Monday, March 24, 2014

Ostara: Tagliatelle with Turnip Tops, Ricotta and Lemon

Yesterday we celebrated Ostara, the start of spring. Yes, I was 2 days late celebrating ;) This is not the dish I made yesterday, that one will be posted next Friday. But we ate this last week and it is really fitting for Ostara too, or for any other early spring day. This tagliatelle is great because it is combined with the first greens of spring. The dish is light, yet still comforting, and a budget meal too. The original recipe comes from the I <3 groente book, which I wrote a review about last Friday.

Tagliatelle with Turnip Tops, Ricotta and Lemon (serves 2)
- 250 gr tagliatelle
- 150 gr ricotta
- zest and juice from 1/2 a lemon
- 2 tbsp olive oil extra vergine
- 1 bunch of turnip tops
- 2 tbsp pine nuts, roasted

Boil the pasta. Stir with a fork the ricotta, the lemon zest, olive oil and 1 tsp of the juice in a bowl. Drain the pasta but make sure you catch 1 mug of the water and add this to the ricotta mixture. Place the pasta back in the pan and stir in the ricotta mixture. Then add the turnip tops, and add salt, pepper and more lemon juice to taste. Serve with the pine nuts.

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