Monday, January 14, 2013

Meatless Monday: Italian Brussel Sprouts

I have to say that both Nick and I don't like Brussel Sprouts, but as you could see in my weekly menu I posted last Thursday, there were Brussel Sprouts in the veggie bag. So I was recipe hunting to see if there was a way that we can tolerate them. And I ended up with these Italian stir fry. I did adjust a few things, like shredding the sprouts in the food processor because I just couldn't stand the thought of biting into one.... Yes, my dislike for sprouts runs deep. Now I wouldn't say this is the best thing I ever tasted and it was still too bitter for my taste, but I did manage to eat half from what was on my plate and Nick gave me a big plate, while I normally eat from a small plate, so I guess I ate my regular portion. Either way.... this recipe to us could still use some more sweetness or something else to cover up the bitterness, but this is a start we can work from. The original Dutch recipe comes from Vegatopia.

Italian Brussel Sprouts: (serves 3)
- 500gr Brussel Sprouts
- 500gr potatoes
- 1 red bell pepper, cubed
- 1 small broccoli, in small florets
- 1 ball of mozzarella
- Italian herbs

The original recipes states to cook your Brussel Sprouts and potato together, but I took the easy route and bought potato cubes, which went in the microwave (poke holes in the plastic bag) for about 2-3 minutes. The Brussel Sprouts I cleaned (which took me about 30 minutes, damn what a job!) and shredded, so those don't need to be cooked either. So I only cooked the broccoli shortly for about 5 minutes. Then I put some oil in a frying pan, put the bell pepper in until softened. Then I added the broccoli, sprouts and potatoes and stir fried them shortly, adding Italian herbs to taste. Then I transferred everything to an ovendish, put slices of mozzarella on top and placed it under the grill for a couple of minutes.

Anyway, it was okay and normally I don't share just okay dishes on my blog, but okay is the best you will get from me when it involves Brussel Sprouts, so I guess people who actually like them will enjoy the recipe :) As for me.... can I have applesauce with that? Lots and lots of it, please ;)

1 comment:

  1. I love Brussel's sprouts, but I understand that they can be bitter. One of salt's many superpowers is cutting bitterness. So be generous with the salt shaker. My favorite method is to quarter the sprouts, and saute with garlic and onions and the fat if your choice, don't stir too much and they will develop a nice caramalized browness. They are done when they are a nice bright bright green, and are still a bit crunchy. A heavy cast iron skillet is perfect.
