Thursday, November 22, 2012

Vitatas #27

Yes, we have a veggie bag again this week :) All though I am sick atm, I managed to make a simple menu for the week. Actually a bit longer because I still had some leftover vegs that I needed to use first.

In the bag is bok choi, 2 crops of endive, broccoli, beans and carrots. There isn't much new this week because I have no clue when I will be healthy again and atm Zeronic is doing most of the cooking.

The menu for week 47-48 will be:
Thursday/Friday: Couscous salad (recipe in the recipe index)
Saturday: Endive mashpot
Sunday: we eat at my moms
Monday: Noodle soup with bok choi and endive (recipe in the recipe index)
Tuesday: we have no time to cook
Wednesday: Broccoli fritatta (recipe came with the bag)
Thursday: Pasta with fennel beans (recipe in the recipe index)
Weekend Baking: French Apple Pie (yes, still... )

As you can see not much new here. I am curious though how that fritatta will turn out because I never really made one before. Oh well ;)

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