Monday, December 19, 2011

Snack Review: Double Pretz Matcha Vanilla

Glico is most famous for their pocky sticks. But next to this line of sweet sticks, they also have a savory line that is called Pretz. Tofu Cute had some new flavors in stock so I picked one out to try and review.

For the people who don't know it, matcha means green tea. So it is basically green tea and vanilla flavor. This might seem kind of weird, but in Japan matcha is commonly used as a flavor for snacks and it is very popular. So what did I think myself? Well to me it certainly is weird to eat anything with tea flavor. I think it does taste a bit like when you accidental have some tea leaves in your cup while drinking and it is not something I am that fond of. That being said, if did have a certain depth in flavors. One bite would taste like that weird tea powder, but then it is followed by that sweetness of the vanilla. It did gave me a dry feeling in my mouth though and have a bit of an after taste. They aren't really bad, but I am a bit indifferent about them. If you are a huge green tea fan, you can buy this snack for 1.70 pounds on Tofu Cute.

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