Saturday, August 6, 2011

Weekend Cooking: Paprika Pancakes

In the Netherlands on twitter @boerenfluitjes started an action to make us city girls more aware of what we eat. Instead of just massively cooking and eating what is on discount in the supermarkets, we decide ourselves what veggie or fruit we want to put in the spotlight. I am not sure if it is really going to help, but awareness must start somewhere, right?

We started off easy last week and cooked with paprika. I was going for stuffed paprika first since that was something I wanted to try for a while. But then my attention was drawn to a recipe for paprika patties which I found quite unusual and sparked my curiosity.

I also looked up some facts about paprika and while I am not going to share a whole lot here, I learned that a paprika contains 6-9 times as much vitamin C as a tomato. It is also a great stomach acid neutraliser.Now let's get to the recipe, which I got again from the vegetarian student cookbook (review here). However they were supposed to be patties, but since Zeronic used the food processor a bit too enthusiastic, the batter was too fluid and I baked pancakes instead. They turned out tasty though. So I will be sharing them like we made them that day. If you like spicy pancakes, this is for you :)

Paprika Pancakes
- 1 red paprika, chopped
- 80gr green beans, chopped
- 2tbsp sunflower oil
- 4 cloves of garlic, chopped finely
- 2tsp mild chilipowder
- 425gr canned red kidney beans, rinsed and drained
- 80gr breadcrumbs
- 1 egg yolk
- flour
- salt & pepper

Boil the green beans shortly till they are soft but still crispy. Bake the paprika together with the chilipowder and garlic for about 2 minutes. Add the mixture to a food processor and add the kidney beans, egg yolk and bread crumbs. Mix till the ingredients are chopped finely for patties. Then add the green beans, salt and pepper and mix a bit longer. (here Zeronic left the food processor on too long, resulting in a batter, which is fine too). If you have a mixture you can spilt it into 8 portions and form patties with some flour on your hands. Then bake them in some oil for 3 minutes on each side till crispy and golden brown. As for pancakes, just add a spoonful of batter for each pancake (small ones are better for turning in this case). The baking time is a little shorter because they are thinner.

I served them with a lemon-mayonnaise which you can make to add some lemon peel and juice to your mayonnaise to taste. It works really well because of the freshness of the mayonnaise in combination with the spicy pancakes.

Don't forget to check out the other weekend cooking posts :) 


  1. I never knew that paprika had such health benefits :)
    These sound yummy; I think I would have to cut the chilipowder in half tho, because my stomach can't take much heat.

    sorry about the U.S. only restriction on the giveaway -- these are publisher's requirements. Hopefully the next one will be an internaional one :)

  2. We cooked something the other week with a fair amount of paprika in. Can't remember what it was though!

  3. That's amazing about all the vitamin C. I'll have to give your recipe a try.

  4. I loved the savory pancakes when I was in the Netherlands. This sounds yummy.

  5. This sounds very tasty. By paprika, do you mean the powder spice or is it a pepper (red vegetable)?

  6. @Vicki: Here in the Netherlands breakfast pancakes are a rare concept. So I never give it a second thought that this kind of link would be made ;)

    @Heather: It is the vegetable. But a pepper are the small and spicy ones, right? At least that what it is like here. The spice is called paprika powder. But maybe it is different in the USA and I am translating to literally.

  7. These sound really good! I bet they were delicious dipped in the lemon mayonnaise.
