Tuesday, June 21, 2011

#93 - Poffertjes Bento

I have used them before in my bento: the little Dutch pancakes known as poffertjes. Zeronic asked for them so there we go :) The sad thing is that I still have to buy pre made ones in the store because I don't own the pan that is needed to make these. But it works even though making your own is way nicer. Luckily Zeronic isn't picky :)

I filled one tier with the poffertjes. I placed sugar eyes on one of them for a funny effect with the pick :) In the new sauce cup is some powdered sugar. In the other tier there are some stir fried veggies & quorn, a snack cucumber and egg. I wanted to do something cool with the egg, but Zeronic had to be at work 30 minutes earlier than I had in my head so I had to rush. Oops ;)


  1. Are poffertjes similar to Apleskevers?

  2. I have honestly no idea. I never heard of Apleskevers before. Is it something with apple?
