Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bento #001 + Inari-zushi recipe

I finally managed to get my hands on the tofu pouches for inari-zushi. They aren't easy to come by around here but I got lucky when I went to an anime convention last weekend.

Making these is very easy and I am very happy that I discovered a way to make sushi fast :) I'll just add a quick description on how to make these but it is so easy that it hardly deserves the name recipe ;)

You will need only about 1.5 cups of sushi rice and inari-zushi pouches. I used this brand. Just prepare the sushi rice in the rice cooker. Unpack the tofu pouches and drain all the marinade. Rinse them with water and make them as dry as possible. I used kitchen paper to absorb the extra fluids. Carefully open them with your fingers and put like 2 dessert spoons of rice in the pouches. I left mine open but you can also fold them close somehow.

I used them in this bento, which isn't the first bento I ever made but I figured it is easier to start over in the blog :)

It contains 2 inari-zushi, apple slices, grapes, chili sin carne with patotoes and some grilled sausage. I am a pescetarian but my boyfriend, who the bento is for, isn't hence the meat snack. But this bento is easily adjusted :) The chili sin carne I made last week and I put it in the freezer for later use in a bento. You will see me doing that a lot since we always have leftovers and it is a huge time saver.


  1. Yay, I'm the first commenter!

    I swear the only thing I ever pack anymore is leftovers - it's just so easy!

  2. Yeah it really is :) And it not only saves time but money as well :)

  3. Hi! I love bento. but don't always have the time for them. Where do you get the inari-zushi pouches? That would make life lots easier I think.


  4. Well I got them on an anime convention. However you can get them in online shops as well. Depending on the brand you pay between $3 and $4,50 for a package.
