We had quite a full bag this week! There are sugar snaps, celery (which we gave away), white cabbage, turnip tops, leek, 3 zucchinis and broccoli.
The menu for week 9/10 will be:
Thursday: Gnocchi with zucchini sauce
Friday: Dinner at a friends house
Saturday: Turnip top mashpot with vegetarian bacon and applesauce
Sunday: Crisis Soup (with the white cabbage, leek and some leftover veggies)
Monday: Something with zucchini (need to think of something still)
Tuesday: Chimmichurri (with the sugar snaps)
Wednesday: Pasta with broccoli and mascarpone
Thursday: Crisis Soup
Bento: Bell pepper cake
You can find some of the recipes in the recipe index (the Crisis soup, the gnocchi and the mashpot)
Nice food to look forward to!