
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Recipe: A Messy Dessert

Well I can hardly call this a recipe but still! I love desserts, but ever since I stopped eating as much processed food, I didn't eat dessert often anymore. I have pinned many recipes on my Pinterest in a dessert board but never actually made one of them. The reason? After I have made dinner, I have to energy left to make a dessert recipe, even if it only takes 15 minutes, it is just too much. However, on a Dutch community I often come to share fruit and veggie recipes and also look for inspiration, the mess madness had started! Meaning that someone posted a recipe for Easter Mess and then that almost everyone in the community made their own variations on it using different ingredients. So after I saw all that mess for almost a week, I just had to make it myself. Sadly I don't have pretty dessert glasses, so I just used a long drink glass. It doesn't make for the best picture, but please don't let that stop you, because it is tasty and quick!

A Messy Dessert: (serves 2)
- some meringues (I had hazelnut ones)
- 1 banana
- 1 kiwifruit
- whipped cream

Slice the banana and kiwifruit. Then crumble some meringue into the bottom of each glass. Lay slices of fruit on it and top off with whipped cream. Then repeat this once more so you have a nice layered dessert.

I used kiwifruit and banana this time, but I also made it with strawberries already, and I saw ones with apple, all kinds of berries, cherries etc.. So just use that whatever you have.

I told you, this is hardly worth the name recipe, but it is a case of no effort, tasty result ;)

1 comment:

  1. And what do you know? I have two kiwi that are just dying to be eaten (no really--they're ripe ripe ripe). Don't have any meringue, though. Do you make your own or buy? I love it but have never baked it.
